Correcting posture causes pain? It shouldn’t. Correcting posture shouldn’t be causing you pain or hurt in any way, yet I often see clients who are hurting themselves as they try to correct their posture, with or without gadgets. You don’t need a posture corrector or posture correction device of any sort. The Invisible Exercise teaches you a series of good posture exercises, equipment free.
How do I correct my posture?
Stretching some tight muscles and strengthening some weak muscles, is the most common approach to trying to correct posture. However, this often loads other joints and adversely affects other parts of the body. This can cause further body aches and pains. It can often mean getting caught in a vicious cycle, which can be extremely frustrating.
Our body is connected and we cannot hope for great posture by breaking the body down into parts e.g. shoulders, chest or upper back. Many people ask me how to permanently fix posture. The answer is working with bone placement, the breath and your mental intention. Follow this link to learn more about my online program and how you can realign your entire body quickly and safely to achieve your best posture and joints, body and health – The Invisible Exercise Monthly Program.
Can correcting posture cause pain?

Can correcting posture cause pain? Yes it can and it shouldn’t.
Correctng posture shouldn’t cause back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain…..
The most common approach to posture correction is to focus on stretching tight muscles, for example, the ‘pecs’ and strengthening weak muscles, for example, the rhomboids. Another common approach I often see is to apply a posture correction device, like a shoulder brace. However, we develop poor posture as our skeleton becomes misaligned, most especially our spine. So going about trying to fix the body one part at a time is not just inefficient it is scratching the surface of what is a global body issue: poor skeletal misalignment.
I developed TIE to bring bones back to the correct anatomical position in a simple daily workout. In essence, TIE is deeply logical. Let me explain – bones moving away from the correct anatomical position causes posture, bringing bones back to the correct anatomical position achieves good posture. This is the most efficient, direct, safe and comprehensive way to improve posture and joint health because this is how we improve all of our muscles. All 639 of them.

There is nothing like a real person’s experience to bring home a point, and I’ll keep this short. Recently Lara, who is an elite runner currently on scholarship in America, found herself in quarantine due to Coronavirus. Her summary is as follows: “I went in with pelvic pain due to a rotated pelvis, right side up and forward, left side down, affecting my upper body alignment too. I did TIE everyday for two weeks and am back running pain free and the most aligned and balanced I can remember being.”
Quite simply, the more beautifully aligned we are, the more correctly our muscles fire, all 639 of them. This is how we achieve a deeply balanced, efficient body. Everything we do, the way we breathe, sit, stand and move is improved quickly and safely.
Going directly to bone to realign before we move is fast, powerful, corrective exercise. Realigning may sound complicated, but quite the contrary. My program teaches you to work with Key Bones and a simple 3 step technique. I know you will be amazed at how quickly and safely you can realign your entire body achieving your best posture, muscles and health via my online program. Click here to learn more.
How long does it take to correct posture?

The time it takes to correct posture will be highly individual. However, just like anything in life, if you put in consistent effort with proper guidance, there is no reason why you shouldn’t feel and see the benefits of working on your body alignment and posture.
Realigning your body with The Invisible Exercise transforms your posture and therefore your 360 joints – that means you move well. Along the way you overcome pain and restriction quickly and safely. How quickly?
This is dependent on many factors, but as soon as you begin working directly with bone following my daily workouts improvements in how you look and feel are fast. My introductory and monthly programs progress you from lying to sitting to standing postures and you can expect significant changes within 10 weeks. TIE is a unique approach to the body with the focus on full body realignment. Every posture, though simple, achieves full body results and your daily workout is 20 minutes of simple, powerful postures.
Keep in mind we develop poor posture as our skeleton becomes misaligned. Tight neck, shoulder, chest or upper back muscles are just a symptom of a deep problem so tinkering around the edges trying to stretch or strengthen this muscle or that is unlikely to work and may cause more loading and compression of other areas of your body.
Why does it hurt my back when I sit up straight?

Our spine is not meant to be straight, it is actually meant to be a series of natural curves. Sitting up straight may have been Grandma’s advice, but trying to sit up straight places more stress on the spine than previously. As does holding our shoulders back and together and sucking your tummy muscles in. We use all the wrong muscles that fatigue quickly and easily and that commonly causes discomfort and back pain.This is why many complain of sitting up straight being ‘uncomfortable’.
I developed TIE to ensure the correct muscles naturally stack your spine. As your muscles resume stacking your spine correctly your posture, spine and joint health improve.
Next time you are sitting think to yourself…. I’d like to sit as tall and relaxed as possible…. and this will be infinitely more beneficial to your body than trying to sit up straight! This is why mental intention and breath work, combined with a whole body approach is crucial to correcting your posture.
Learn more about The Invisible Exercise Programs by clicking here.